14th year of the Memorial of Michal Bozogáň.
14th of May 2022
of SOŠŽ Košice,
Palackého 14, Košice, Slovakia
Petkanič Štefan
Dugas Jaroslav
Schwartzdent Ltd.
Krigovská Marta
Havriservis Košice
Starosta mestskej časti Košice-Sídlisko Ťahanovce Ihnát Miloš
Miroslav Janitor-Pizzéria Olympia
* 25.3.1993 + 3.7.2006
The competition held in memory of
the son Michal
of sensei of Karate club UNION Košice Peter Bozogáň.
Register on http://www.sutazekarate.sk/?lang=en until 12th of May 2022.